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Where To Find The Best Pair of Sunglasses for Skiing

Where To Find The Best Pair of Sunglasses for Skiing

Where To Find The Best Pair of Sunglasses for Skiing

Do the words “fresh powder” make your heart flutter? Are you ready to step into your bindings at the drop of a hat? If so, check out our picks for best ski sunglasses for spending a day on the slopes. After all, eye protection is pretty essential when you’re cruising at 30 mph through harsh and highly-reflective environments. Read on for the low-down on what makes sunglasses suited to snow and some recs for some of our favorite options. 

What to Look for in Ski and Snowboarding Sunglasses

Because your sunglasses need to function, there are some key features to keep in mind when choosing shades for the snow. Think bold, high-performance eyewear that can stand up against icy wind, reflective snow, and the occasional wipeout. 

  • Look for shades offering plenty of UV protection, (because the sun is no joke at that altitude). Protection from damaging rays is just one of the benefits of sunglasses for your vision health.

  • You'll also want ultra durable sunglasses crafted of quality material and a snug, not-going-anywhere fit—even if you never get off the bunny hill.  

  • And with all the reflection off the snow, Polarization for color accuracy and to reduce glare and eye fatigue is a must.

Ideal Sunnies for the Slopes

So to recap; we’re looking for good quality, durability, comfortable, snug fit, UV protection, and polarization. We want a cool vibe too though, don’t we? We’ve got you. For a snug fit, a shield frame is a great option. Our NIGHTFALL also makes a cool choice that performs. If you're looking to channel a little Audrey Hepbun aprés chic, our AFTER HOURS is spot on. Go for an ultra-sporty look with our LET IT RUN frames. And for something retro, nothing beats out ON THE FLY—a throwback take on aviators that will sit snug and feel cool.

Whatever type of snow adventure you have in mind, your sunglasses will play a big role in your success. Check out our fresh collection of new sunglasses and be sure you’re ready for anything.

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