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Creating safe and inclusive learning environments for K-12 LGBTQIA+ Youth

October is LGBTQIA+ History Month, which observes the history of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual and agender communities. It also explores the civil rights movements that support these communities, as well as the importance in progressing their causes. To commemorate this month’s significance, we’re highlighting GLSEN’s life-changing work and the impact of our partnership with them.  

GLSEN’s Work 

What began as an alliance between a teacher and student in search of belonging and grown into a national movement led by GLSEN—a national non-profit we’re proud to support. Comprised of more than 1.5 million people, the organization is comprised of students, educators, education activists and families working together to create safer learning environments for K-12 LGBTQIA+ students. This requires a future-minded, multi-faceted approach and is accomplished through evidence-based initiatives pioneered by the organization’s diverse support base.  

With 43 chapters across 30 states, GLSEN has the regional presence needed to conduct broad research that lends meaningful insight into the LGBTQIA+ youth population as a whole. This high-level perspective lays the foundation for every organizational initiative, including but not limited to informing comprehensive legislation and creating developmentally-appropriate resources for schools to leverage as they strive to create safer and more inclusive learning environments for their students.  

Our Support 

At Quay, we may have a passion for fashion but our heart for people and desire to support the disenfranchised is our driving force. We believe in GLSEN’s good work, which is why we joined forces to further their pure-hearted efforts. One of the ways we supported their mission was by creating a Pride-themed collection of frames, each uniquely fabulous in its own way, and since launching our Pride collection in June 2022 with 100% of proceeds going back to GLSEN, we’ve contributed $100,000 to benefit LGBTQIA+ youth, thanks to the support of our amazing Quay community! 

  • 6% of LGBTQ+ students were harassed or assaulted at school   
  • 2 in 5 LGBTQ+ students of color were bullied or harassed because of their race or ethnicity 
  • 84% of transgender students felt unsafe at school because of their gender 
  • GLSEN research shows LGBTQ+ students with access to safe and supportive schools have less absences and higher GPAs, experience less bullying and harassment and feel an overall greater sense of belonging 

We also created a Pride Committee to educate our team on how to be part of the solution individually and in their communities. This looks creating a safe space for people to bring and voice their authentic selves, as well as collaborate on ways to invest in supporting our local LGBTQIA+ youth community.  

Your Involvement 

There are a variety of ways you can join the movement alongside us, and we encourage you to do so:  

  • Stay Informed: Educate yourself on issues LGBTQIA+ community faces and how to be a compassionate ally and friend 
  • Vote: Research local policies affecting the LGBTQIA+ community and cast your vote at the midterm elections this fall. To learn more, join GLSEN’s advocacy network here 
  • Give Back: Make a financial contribution, volunteer in your local community or donate LGBTQIA+-affirming K-12 books to your local schools:   
  • Learn more about GLSEN’s Rainbow Library initiative here 
  • Level-up your fashion game while creating a better future for K-12 LGTBQIA+ students by rounding up at checkout 

It’s never too late to make a difference, but it takes all of us to do so. Here’s to creating a safer, more inclusive educational experience for K-12 LGBTQIA+ students. 

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Chicana Latina Foundation

Dreams. We all have them. Sure, there are the ones that come after our head hits the pillow, but those aren’t the dreams we’re talking about. We’re talking about the kind we have in our heart. The ones that flow from one day into the next, guiding our choices as we search for ways to bring them to life. While everyone’s path to creating a life of meaning is unique to them, we all need resources, guidance and opportunities along the way—something we’re passionate about supporting every month. This month, we’re championing the Chicana Latina Foundation.


The Chicana Latina Foundation (CLF) is a non-profit organization focused on helping Latina women discover individual paths to success by:

Easing Financial Burden

CLF scholarships enable students to pursue and complete their college education.

Cultivating Leadership

The CLF Leadership Institute and workshops help students develop the skills and confidence necessary to succeed academically, professionally and personally.

Uplift Their Culture

Students are encouraged to strengthen their cultural identity and take pride in their heritage to ignite passion and inspire leadership.

Sparking Civic Engagement

Students learn how to be engaged community members and use their talents to create positive, social change.

IMPACT: 2022


Volunteer Opportunities

Help read and score applications to our program

Review eight to 10 applications from the comfort of home. 

Interview program semi-finalists

Interview five program semi-finalists on a three-person panel, comprised of two other volunteers.

Personally Experience the CLF

Meet the inspiring CLF scholarship recipients and learn more about what makes the CLF one-of-a-kind.
To learn more about the Chicana Latina Foundation, visit their website at .
In the words of CLF’s founder, “¡Si se puede!”

ABOUT CLF’S FOUNDER, Adriana Ayala, Ph.D., Executive Director of Chicana Latina Foundation (CLF)

Adriana has more than 20 years of experience teaching history and ethnic studies at high school, community college and four-year university levels. She’s also spent many years as an educational administrator, serving as Vice Provost, Department Chair of Liberal Studies and General Education at the National Hispanic University and Interim Dean of Student Success at Evergreen Valley College. Additionally, she’s a former member and two-term national chair of the Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (MALCS).
Right now, Adriana is the Executive Director of the CLF (and former board member), which was established in 1977 to empower Latinas through personal, educational, and professional advancement. She’s also a member of other national organizations that focus on history and Chicana studies.
As the daughter of immigrant parents, Adriana grew up in a Spanish-speaking household and became the first generation in her family to go to college, uniquely equipping her to guide and mentor young Latinas as they pursue their dreams. This deep sense of purpose not only energizes her, but also evokes a sense of gratitude to work with intelligent students fiercely chasing their passions like the badass people they are on a daily basis.
Her educational accomplishments include a Ph.D. in History from the University of Texas at Austin and B.A. in History with a minor in Ethnic Studies from University of California at Berkeley.
In her personal life, Adriana lives in San Jose, CA with her wife their two beautiful, adopted children. While her kids keep her active, Adriana considers running her medicine and spiritual haven. She loves the challenge of marathons and has run the  IronMan 70.3.
Adriana believes in guiding the next generation and has mentored many young people, aiming to help them find their voice and place in their community. Among her many nuggets of wisdom, Adriana’s primary advice to students is:
  • Every experience helps shape us into who we are meant to be, so embrace change, ambivalence, failure and new opportunities.
  • Never forget, “Si Se Puede/It Can Be Done!”

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We're spotlighting five changemakers within the LGBTQIA+ community,
sharing their stories and empowering the icons they are.


 "Be who you are, there's no more rules" - Cooper and Luca Coyle

 Sugar & Spice Drag Performers

@Coopercoyle @Lucacoyle 


 "Freedom is not apologizing for who I am" - Lucia Salazar-Davidson

Musician | GLSEN National Student Council Member


“Queer is a way of seeing the world” - Jas Lin



“Confidence is being your authentic self” - Tyus-Immanuel Berry

 DJ | Fashion Model



100% of proceeds up to $100K from our Pride collection will be donated to GLSEN, an organization leading the movement in creating a more inclusive educational environment for K-12 LGBTQIA+ youth.

Explore The Collection

 About GLSEN (pronounced glisten)

GLSEN was born from a spark—an idea—an action.
That spark became the first GSA (Gender-Sexuality Alliances, also known as Gay-Straight Alliances), an alliance of understanding, support, and safety between a teacher and a student who felt different and targeted.
Today, after over 30 years of leading the movement, GLSEN’s national network is more than 1.5 million strong, with students, families, educators, and education advocates working to create safe schools. Safety in school means being who you are without fear of violence, retaliation, and consequence. It means acceptance and support to learn who you will become while earning the academic education and success every young person deserves, because no young person should have to choose between their wellbeing and education.


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